Peer Reviewed
- Interactions between ploidy and resource availability shape clonal interference at initiation and recurrence of glioblastoma, Zuzanna Nowicka, Frederika Rentzeperis, Richard Beck et. al.; bioRxiv doi: 2023.10.17.562670
- Predicting phenotype to mechanotype relationships in cells based on intra-cellular signaling network, ET Karabay, A Turnlund, J Grear, SI Fraley, P Katira; bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2023.03.24.534160
- " Patchiness" in Mechanical Stiffness across a Tumor as an Early-Stage Marker for Malignancy, Z Mirzakhel, GA Reddy, J Boman, B Manns, S Van Teer, P Katira, bioRxiv doi:2023.07. 31.551398
- Downregulation of RyR and NCX in the neonatal rat ventricular myocyte modulates cytosolic [Ca2+] Esteban Vazquez-Hidalgo, Xian Zhang, David Torres Barba, Paul Paolini, Parag Katira bioRxiv doi:
- β-adrenergic signaling modulates cancer cell mechanotype through a RhoA-ROCK-myosin II axis, T-H Kim, E Vazquez-Hidalgo, A Abdou, XH Tan, A Christodoulides, CM Farris, P-Y Ciou, EK Sloan, P Katira, AC Rowat, bioRxiv 777755, doi:, in revision
- A phage-bacteria community model to identify the prevalence of lysogeny in ecosystems, M. Anthenelli, E. Jasien, R. Edwards, B. Bailey, B. Felts, P. Katira, J. Nulton, P. Salamon, F. Rohwer, C.B. Silveira, and A. Luque, bioRxiv 2020.04.08.028340; doi:
- P. Katira and Henry Hess: “Yield Strength as a Thermodynamic Consequence of Information Erasure”,
Peer Reviewed
- Kinesin and Myosin Motors Compete to Drive Rich Multi-Phase Dynamics in Programmable Cytoskeletal Composites, R J McGorty, C J Currie, J Michel, M Sasanpour, C Gunter, K A Lindsay, M J Rust, P Katira, M Das, J L Ross, R M Robertson-Anderson PNAS Nexus 2(8), (2023)
- Modeling collective cell behavior in cancer: Perspectives from an interdisciplinary conversation FR Adler, ARA Anderson, A Bhushan, et. al., Cell Systems 14 (4), 252-257, (2023)
- Biophysical and Biochemical mechanisms underlying Collective Cell Migration in Cancer Metastasis, U Roy, T Collins, MK Jolly, P Katira, Engineering and Physical Approaches to Cancer, Springer Nature AG (2023), arXiv:2201.07283
- Differences in cell death and division rules can alter tissue rigidity and fluidization, GA Reddy and P Katira, Soft Matter 18 (19), 3713-3724 (2022)
- E Vazquez-Hidalgo, CM Farris, AC Rowat and P Katira: "Chemo-Mechanical Factors That Limit Cellular Force Generation", Frontiers in Physics, 10:831776 (2022)
- G Saper, S Tsitkov, P Katira, H Hess: "Robotic end-to-end fusion of microtubules powered by kinesin", Science Robotics, 6, eabj7200 (2021)
- Paul Heine, Jurgen Lippoldt, Gudur Ashrith Reddy, Parag Katira, Joseph A Käs: "Anomalous cell sorting behavior in mixed monolayers discloses hidden system complexities", New Journal of Physics 23(4), 043034 (2021)
- Benjamin Yeoman, Gabriel Shatkin, Pranjali Beri, Afsheen Banisadr, Parag Katira, Adam J Engler: "Adhesion strength and contractility enable metastatic cells to become adurotactic", Cell Reports 34 (10), 108816 (2021)
- Megan J. Armstrong, Juan B. Rodriguez III, Peter Dahl, Peter Salamon, Henry Hess, Parag Katira: "Power Law Behavior in Protein Desorption Kinetics Originating from Sequential Binding and Unbinding", Langmuir 36 (45) 13527–13534 (2020)
- Gabriel Shatkin, Benjamin Yeoman, Katherine Birmingham, Parag Katira, Adam J Engler: "Computational Models of Migration Modes Improve our Understanding of Metastasis", APL Bioengineering 4 (4), 041505 (2020)
- T. Collins, B.M. Yeoman and P. Katira: "To Lead or to Herd: Optimal strategies for collective cell migration in heterogenous 3D environments", Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19, pages 1551–1564 (2020)
- Pranjali Beri, Anna Popravko, Benjamin Yeoman, Aditya Kumar, Kevin Chen, Enio Hodzic, Alyssa Chiang, Afsheen Banisadr, Jesse K Placone, Hannah Carter, Stephanie I Fraley, Parag Katira and Adam J Engler: "Cell adhesiveness serves as a biophysical marker for metastatic potential", Cancer Research 80 (4), 901-911 (2020)
- H Hess, P Katira, IH Riedel-Kruse and S Tsitkov: "Molecular motors in materials science", MRS Bulletin 44 (2), 113-118 (2019)
- Benjamin Yeoman and Parag Katira: “Predicting Persistence Length of Cell Migration in Dense 3D Matrix – Effect of Matrix Fiber Density and Pseudopod Activity”, PloS one 13 (11) (2018)
- C. A. Rodesney, B. Roman, N. Dhamani, B. J. Cooley, P. Katira, A. Touhami, and V. D. Gordon: " Mechanosensing of shear by Pseudomonas aeruginosa leads to increased levels of the cyclic-di-GMP signal initiating biofilm development", PNAS 114 (23), 5906-5911 (2017)
- B. Knowles, B. Bailey, L. Boling, M. Breitbart, A. G. Cobían-Güemes, J. del Campo, R Edwards, B. Felts, J. Grasis, A. Haas, P. Katira, L. Wegley Kelly, A. Luque, J. Nulton, L. Paul, G. Peters, N. Robinett, S. Sandin, A. Segall, C. Silveira, R. Young and F. Rohwer: "Examination of induction-based evidence for host density-dependence of lysogeny suggests potentially novel drivers of natural viral communities", Nature Microbiology 2, 17064 (2017)
- K. Kaushik, N. Ratnayeke, P. Katira and V. Gordon: “Bacteria produce bases in situ that inhibit the growth of antibiotic-resistant mutants in aminoglycoside environments”, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (107), 20150018 (2015).
- P. Katira, R. Bonnecaze and M. Zaman: “Modeling the mechanics of cancer: Effect of changes in cellular and extra-cellular mechanical properties”, Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology 3, 145 (2013).
- P. Katira, M. Zaman and R. Bonnecaze: “How Changes in Cell Physical Properties Induce Cancerous Behavior”, Physical Review Letters 108, 028103 (2012). Media coverage: Featured on,,, The Daily Texan etc.
- Luria, J. Crenshaw, M. Downs, A. Agarwal, S. Seshadri, J Gonzale, O. Idan, J. Kamcev, P. Katira, S. Pandey, T. Nitta, S. Phillpot and H. Hess: “Microtubule nanospool formation by active self-assembly is not by thermal activation”, Soft Matter 7, 3108-3115 (2011).
- L. Sexton, H. Mukaibo, P. Katira, H. Hess, S. Sherrill, L. Horne, C. Martin: “An adsorption-based model for pulse duration in resistive-pulse protein sensing”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(19), 6755-6763 (2010).
- P. Katira and H. Hess: “Two-stage capture employing active transport enables sensitive and fast biosensors”, Nano Letters 10(2), 567-572 (2010).
- R. Tucker, A. Saha, P. Katira, M. Bachand, G. Bachand and H. Hess: “Temperature-compensation for hybrid devices: Kinesin’s Km is temperature independent”, Small 5(11), 1279-1282 (2009).
- P. Katira, A. Agarwal and H. Hess: “A random sequential adsorption model for protein adsorption to surfaces functionalized with poly (ethylene oxide)”, Advanced Materials 21(16), 1599-1604 (2009).
- A. Agarwal, P. Katira and H. Hess: “Millisecond curing time of a molecular adhesive causes velocity dependent cargo-loading of molecular shuttles”, Nano Letters 9(3), 1170-1175, (2009).
- R. Tucker, P. Katira and H. Hess: “Herding Nanotransporters: Localized Activation via Release and Sequestration of Control Molecules", Nano Letters 8(1), 221 -226, (2008). Media coverage: Research Highlights, Nature Materials 7(95), (2008)
- P. Katira, A. Agarwal, T. Fischer, H.-Y. Chen, X. Jiang, J. Lahann, H Hess: "Quantifying the performance of protein-resisting surfaces at ultra-low protein coverages using kinesin motor proteins as probes", Advanced Materials 19(20), 3171-3176 (2007).
- P. Katira and B. Narkhede: “Lean Thinking: A Critical Review”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering 35(5), 37-41 (2006).